
TOKS is a multimedia website at the service of artisitc expressions (art), starting from who creates it to who provides it all the way to who just simply enjoys it. It is an artistic social network where the audience (TOKS) can pry into and avail itself of all the artists and all of the venues which coopoerate and  organize shows, concerts, dinner parties and exhibitions in order to please their clientele.

It's an information container about who creates or is creating and who proposes and launches it.

Artistic experience is usually considered as a side dish of life... instead in TOKS it is the main dish.


"Toc" is a Friulan word which means "piece", instead its plural is "TOKS".

My Grandfather, when he started his company, had no specific, management tools so as to measure and assess his company's daily perfomances and outputs, given the historical period in which it was created. He only had one exclusive indicator of profits:

"Tros tocs vino prodot vue'?",

"How many pieces have we produced today?".

I do believe that this expression can perfectly fit all the artists who will be made big by all the "PIECES" who appreciate their works and  decide to support them in this artistic adventure.